Tag Archives: Rice

The ColorCycle! Mission

Everyone can agree that a little extra color would be nice in these uncertain times. Our proposed project, “Color Cycle!”, uses the 236 bike racks on the Rice campus to create a continuous gradient of color that stretches from the westernmost part of the university to the easternmost part. In so doing, “Color Cycle!” celebrates our school’s continuing commitment to diversity and innovation, affirming Rice University President Leebron’s Vision for a Second Century goal of fostering a sense of community and making our campus a more vibrant, dynamic place.

Rice needs more color!

There is a wealth of meaning behind this simple gesture. At its most basic level, “Color Cycle!” is a fun and exciting way of temporarily livening up our stately but staid campus. By bringing together many different elements into a single unified whole, we affirm the importance of unity within our diverse campus community. Even though “Color Cycle!” uses many colors, it is green at heart. While the decision to walk instead of drive or to recycle waste paper instead of throw it away may seem small, its impact is large when multiplied to the scale of an entire society. This, however, is easy to forget. Just as “Color Cycle!” focuses one’s attention on something that unusually goes unnoticed, we hope that our project will similarly focus our community on the environmental impact of the environmental impact of their daily routine.

With your help, a more vibrant campus is just around the corner.

ColorCycle! is here to help our "stately but staid" campus.

Planning and development for “Color Cycle!” has been underway since May 2009. To date, the “Color Cycle!” team has mapped and photographed Rice’s bike racks, determined a color scheme, and has begun working with Rice University Facilities, Engineering and Planning to develop a concrete scheme for Spring 2009 project implementation and ongoing maintenance. If you are interested in participating in “Color Cycle!”, or are interested in finding out more, email srj1@rice.edu.

Be sure to visit our Facebook page and our Twitter to stay up to date with the project.

What’s your color?